Alinta Energy and JERA Nex - Parkwind are developing the Spinifex
Offshore Wind Project, a proposed 1GW+ offshore wind farm off the coast of South West Victoria.

Home Page Benefit 1 Home Page Benefit 1

Potential to supply around 10 per cent of Victoria’s electricity needs

Home Page Benefit 2 Home Page Benefit 2

Significant regional economic opportunities

Home Page Benefit 3 Home Page Benefit 3

Thousands of potential jobs and training opportunities

Key milestones so far

December 2021

Project announcement

July 2022

Wind monitoring equipment installed at Portland Aluminium Smelter

August 2022

In-person community engagement sessions

October 2022

Australian Renewable Energy Agency announces $1.5 million of funding as part of its Advancing Renewables Program

April 2023

Local Supply Chain and Industry Development Study released - learn more

June 2023

Australian Government proposes the Southern Ocean Region as a Declared Area for offshore energy infrastructure

July & August 2023

Consultation period for Southern Ocean Region proposed Declared Area

March 2024

Minister for Climate Change and Energy declares area of the Southern Ocean Region as suitable for offshore wind energy

April 2024

Alinta Energy and Parkwind announce collaboration to develop Spinifex Offshore Wind Farm and identify a project area in the Southern Ocean Region Declared Area.

We are here
July 2024
We are here

Spinifex submits feasibility licence application for a site within the declared area - learn more

Alinta Energy and JERA Nex - Parkwind have identified a site for the Spinifex Project (pictured below) and will continue engaging with local stakeholders to refine their proposal and progress the project.

Map for Southern Ocean Region Declared Area